Beyond Travel-The Recovery Lounge5/14/2019 People love to travel, there's no doubt about it. As we get more advanced in our technological advancements, we tend to follow the social norms and fly more frequently. As we know, there have always been problems with flying for extended periods of time. A couple of major side effects are bloating and swelling. Air pressure change, can and will, cause a build-up of gas in your body, which leads to bloating, constipation and other related gastrointestinal issues. The lack of movement during a flight can also cause the build-up of blood around the legs, heightening the risk of getting deep vein thrombosis (I know I had to look it up too). My mother was effected with this and I can tell you, her walk through Italy wasn't extremely pleasant the first few days. Walking around on pins and needles with swollen feet is extremely painful. There aren't many ways to work around these effects, and you just have to pray that it doesn't strike you. It just comes with flying right? Wrong. There are now high tech luxury lounges popping up all over the world who's sole purpose is to bring you comfort and repair the body that the strain that flight takes on you. Technology in flight is advancing, but also is technology to help repair the negative effects. Therapy is becoming portable and allowing formerly large machines to go into smaller spaces. Here are a few ways and devices that you can take while traveling to make sure that you aren't effected by the drawbacks of flying. The Hyperbaric Chamber- The Hyperbaric Chamber seems like a thing from the past, although research has shown that a hyper oxygenation of the body will decrease tissue suffocation from oxygen deprived parts of your body. One drawback that a pressurized airplane fuselage can impose on the human body. ![]() Look for these in luxury lounges and DO take advantage of them. Your body will thank you later. Cryotherapy- Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, is basically submerging yourself in a high tech freezer for a short period of time. And by freezer, we are talking -80 degrees celsius. Some of the benefits can literally include shock. By shocking the body, it helps increase recovery time and fatigue. Some other benefits of making yourself a short term popsicle are pain, relief, muscle healing, and actually weight loss. Sign me up! (1) Now these benefits aren't completely proven, but the people regularly using cryotherapy are swearing that they are feeling better than ever. All I can say is try it for yourself and let me know how you like it. It'll give us some talking points in the next article. Some of the other solutions might be a little more, lets just say, affordable to general users like myself. First off we MUST touch on sleeping. Well let's just dip our toes into that shall we? Here are some key reasons you should be getting enough sleep.
Now what can help this you say? In short, our very own Blackout Bands. Using a sleep mask can drastically increase the quality of sleep that you get. Ok we may be biased on this one, but I challenge you to fine one reason to NOT use a sleep mask on the airplane. If you time your sleep right, you can also combat jet lag. Find those tips, tricks, and more, only inside of our Blackout Travel Bundle which includes Kellan Lutz's signature tips and stories on traveling.
Another product that we are sure you completely forgot almost every time you've walked into the airport is a neck pillow. Using a neck pillow can decrease headaches and fatigue from flight by relieving the muscle strain that comes with sleeping upright. What's the other biggest drawback of flight? The Answer-Inflammation. Inflammation can impair the body, increase recovery time, and increase lethargy. A product that is newly on the market is taking the internet and retail by storm. Have you ever heard of CBD? CBD is a chemical found in the hemp plant. It has no psychoactive effects and one of its main purposes is decreasing inflammation as well as other problems your body encounters on a day to day basis. CBD is now sold widely across the US and is travel friendly. Read More about CBD in consumer reports Here. We recommend Pura Gold CBD. Click the link to order some before your next flight. PURA GOLD CBD 25% OFF For your next flight, be sure you pick up the bring with you accessories BEFORE you take off in order to decrease the strains of extended flight travel. Check back for more information once I've had a chance to try these new tech devices in the luxury lounges. If you have experiences with any of these and flying, please leave a comment and share your story.